Sunday, November 15, 2009

Baby name game, what would you call them?

Baby name game.

Ok this is what you do. Put down the first name and middle name and nickname if you want to for what you would call these babies if you had them.

Baby one


A tuft of jet black hair

Large dark brown eyes

Quiet. Hardly cries.

Gurgles when sung to.

Baby two


Curly black hair.

Blue eyes.

Cries a lot.

Does not sleep a lot but always seems energetic.

Kicks her legs when music plays. Looks like she is dancing.

Baby three.


Twin to baby four.

Blonde hair.

Blue eyes.

Quiet but when she cries it is loud and she won’t settle for a while.

Smiles when she sleeps.

Baby four.


Twin to baby three.

Brown hair.

Green eyes.

Sleeps well. Easily settled into a routine.

Does not like anyone else to hold her accept her mommy and daddy. Cries when others hold her or walk her in the pram. You think she is intelligent because she can tell who it is.

Baby three and four were premature but three months. The doctors gave them a 20% chance of living. They were on a ventilator for a long time. Baby three came off first as the doctors thought she was strong enough. Baby four got an infection and you did not think she was going to make it but she managed to come through it.

Baby five.


Blonde hair.

Blue eyes.

Likes to be read to.

Quiet. Does not cry much.

You think he can tell when you talk to him as it sometimes feels like he responds.

Baby name game, what would you call them?
1. Donovan James- Donovan means dark haired

2. Isadora Brielle- Isadora after Isadora Duncan, a famous American dancer.

3. %26amp; 4.

Frist girl- Reva Kate- Reva means "one that moves"

Second girl- Bilhah Dawn- Bilhah means "bashful", said Bye-luh

5. Aram Douglas- Aram means "calm one"
Reply:Baby two sounds a lot like my daughter, physical appearance and everything (well, her hair is straight but close). Her name is Chavali Kalida but some of her nicknames are "Rocko", "Sugie" (pronounced as in "sugar" with ee), and my dad always calls her "little miss".
Reply:Baby One: Nathaniel Trace

Baby Two: Jennifer Noelle

Baby Three: Sheila Rose

Baby Four: Natasha Essence

Baby Five: Jeremiah Truman.

So that's Nathaniel, Jennifer, Sheila, Natasha %26amp; Jeremiah.


Nathaniel - Nathan

Jennifer - Jenny

Sheila - Shelly

Natasha - Tasha

Jeremiah - Jerry
Reply:Number 1:

Felix Sage

Number 2:

Zooey Mirabelle

Number 3 %26amp; 4:

Camille Lyra %26amp; Lydia Christabel

Number 5:

Elliot Saul

There'd be Felix, Zooey, Lydia, Camille, and Elliot.
Reply:Baby One: Nicolas Cole Nickname: Cole

Baby Two: Madelin Leigh Nickname: Lynne

Baby Three: Samantha Grace Nickname: Gracie

Baby Four: Elliot Parker Nickname: Park

Why is everyone getting thumbs down? Relax people it is just a game for fun!
Reply:Baby one

Ezra Alexander

Baby two

Dahlia Charis

Baby three.

Rosaline Pearl

Baby four.

Kerensa Joy

Baby five.

Jonas Gabriel
Reply:Baby 1 ~ Donovan Levi

Baby 2 ~ Melanie Johanna

Baby 3 ~ Clara Gwendolyn

Baby 4 ~ Laura Jasmine

Baby 5 ~ Jason Conrad

Reply:Baby One: Quinn Alexander

Baby Two: Monica Alice

Baby Three: Chloe Margaret

Baby Four: Mary (Lucy) Eileen

Baby Five: Emmett Colin
Reply:1. Travis Logan.

2. Alyssa Marie.

3. Lilly Rose

4. Lindsey Ramona.

5. Ethan Oliver.
Reply:Baby 1

Brandon Riley

baby 2

Arianna Claire

Baby 3

Holly Abigail

Baby 4

Kylie Annabelle

Baby 5

William James
Reply:1. Alexander Ryan.

2. Ashlyn Rose.

3. Annaliese Renee.

4. Ainsley Rachel.

5. Aric Reilly.
Reply:For baby one I would probably pick Holden Gage

baby #2 Lillian Grace

baby #3 Graceyn Brooke

baby #4 Nevaeh Grace (Heaven backwards)

baby #5 Maddox Kent
Reply:1) Dane Wilbur

2) Laynie James

3) Mallorie Kieran

4) Noelle Veronica

5) Miles Henry
Reply:1. Peter Michael

2. Nicole Alexandra

3. Lily Sophia

4. Mackenzie Lee

5. Steven Shaun
Reply:1) Rune Evander

2) Vesper Ophelia

3) Juno Hermione

4) Evadne Cassandra

5) Somerled Beren
Reply:1. Christopher Isaac

2. Johannah Hope

3. Aria Briallen

4. Victoria Faith

5. Aidan Josiah
Reply:1. Seth Gabriel

2. Rose Cecelia

3. Isabella Amelie

4. Rachel Olivia

5. Sammy Jacob

Reply:1Jaxon Marc

2Melody Lyric

3Evanna Luna

4Hope Faith

50Bruce Frank
Reply:1. Hunter Rory

2. Florie Sienna

3. Marnie Rae

4. Isla Tatum

5. Sonny Gabriel
Reply:1 Garrett James

2.Camryn Kaeley

3.Casey Isobel

4.Leah Maya

5.Austin Harry
Reply:1.Corydon Michael Cory

2 Carsie Lynn 3 Atalie Grace

baby 4 Ainsley Beth

4Jonathan Alan
Reply:1.) Noah Reed

2.) Sienna Camille

3.) Ava Grace

4.) Isabella Rose

5.) Ian Rylan
Reply:1 - Blake

2 - Jordin

3 - Leah

4 - Lorelai

5 - Tyler
Reply:1) Patrick Luke (Pat)

2) Audrey Leah (Aud)

3) Hayden Grace

4) Brianne Greer (Bri or Anne)

5) Shane William (Shaney)
Reply:1ryan alexander

2krstyle lea

3beth anne

4annebell rose

5sebastion michael

nicknames are hard
Reply:Ross Anders

Azalea Rose

Annelise Tess

Emma Vera

Brooklyn Summer

Juliet Autumn

Noel Levi
Reply:Baby 4

I would call her Kaydee Alyssa
Reply:baby 1= Skylar Peyton

baby 2= Amanda Sue

baby 3= Mischalet Madison (if you don't like this try Katrina Rose)

baby 4= Mary-Jean Grace

baby 5= Logan Scott

(Mischalet-Mis-sha-le the 't' is silent) i thought it was an interesting name that you don't hear too often)
Reply:Baby 1 - Freak

Baby2 - Goo Goo Louise

Baby 3 - US Bank

Baby 4 -Bank of America

baby 5- John
Reply:Dalton Andrew Summers

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